Electric Power Optimization Centre
Winter Workshop 2006: New Models for Electricity Markets The Electric Power Optimization Centre at the University of Auckland held its Fifth Annual Winter Workshop on September 7, 2006 at the University of Auckland. The theme of the 2006 Workshop was New Models for Electricity Markets.
National Instantaneous Reserve Market in NZEM (ppt)Vladimir Krichtal (Transpower) On Spring Washers, Constrained Dispatch, and Dispatch Model Sensitivity (ppt)Andy Philpott (EPOC), Duncan Ashwell (Mighty River Power) and Graeme Everett (Norske Skog) Hidden Markov Models and Applications (pdf)Peter Thomson (Statistical Research Associates) Electricity Commission - Market data and SDDP modelling (ppt)Brian Bull (Electricity Commission) Computing Equilibria in Electricity Markets (ppt)Anthony Downward (University of Auckland) Peak Shaving and Price Saving: Algorithms for Unit Commitment of Ancillary Generators (ppt)David Craigie (University of Auckland) Offer Construction for Generators with Inter-temporal Constraints via Markovian DP and Decision Analysis (ppt)Grant Read, Paul Stewart, Ross James (EMRG, University of Canterbury) and Deb Chattopadhyay (Charles River Associates) Real Options and Transmission Investment: the N.Z. Grid Investment Test (ppt)Glenn Boyle, Graeme Guthrie, Richard Meade (ISCR and Cognitus)